Hip Surgery Now Offered at MRHC Skip to content

Hip Surgery Now Offered at MRHC

Dr. Stokesbary, orthopedic surgeonMRHC is excited to add hip surgeries to the list of orthopedic services offered in the Specialty Clinic. To accommodate this additional service, Dr. Steven Stokesbary, M.D., F.A.A.O.S., a Board-Certified Orthopedic Surgeon now offers orthopedic services in Manning three times per month.

“We understand that patients and their loved ones prefer to have surgeries and procedures done close to home, so we are excited to offer hip surgeries in Manning,” said MRHC CEO, Linn Block, RN, BSN, MHA. “Due to the increase in demand, we have also added another clinic date, so we are able to continue to offer additional specialty services for our patients.”

As a General Orthopedist with an emphasis in total knee and hip replacement, sports medicine, and arthroscopic surgery, Dr. Stokesbary also offers knee ACL reconstruction, rotator cuff repairs, treatment for chronic and acute pain, carpal tunnel release, ulnar nerve transposition, and trigger finger release.

To see upcoming clinic dates, visit the MRHC website or call (712) 655-8100 to schedule an appointment.

hip surgery