MRHC Auxiliary Continues to Make Impact - Manning Regional Healthcare Center Skip to content

MRHC Auxiliary Continues to Make Impact

The MRHC Auxiliary continues to make a meaningful impact on patient care and staff support through its dedication and fundraising efforts. Recently, the Auxiliary donated two essential pieces of equipment to enhance the hospital’s services and improve the overall patient experience: a ureteroscope and a fetal monitor.

The ureteroscope is a vital tool for MRHC urology services. It enables specialists to locate and evaluate blockages in the ureters or kidneys and, in some cases, remove kidney stones during the same procedure.

fetal monitorThe fetal monitor is an invaluable addition to MRHC’s obstetrics care. Used by Dr. McLaws in the clinic, this monitor can track a baby’s heart rate and other vital data during pregnancy. With this technology, MRHC is better equipped to provide comprehensive and attentive care to OB patients, maintaining the highest standards of service and ensuring a positive experience for expectant mothers.

“This state-of-the-art equipment ensures our patients receive precise and efficient care close to home,” said MRHC CEO, Shannon Black, MHA. “We extend our deepest gratitude to Auxiliary members for their ongoing support and generosity. Their contributions play a crucial role in helping MRHC provide exceptional healthcare to our community.”

If you are interested in supporting or joining the Auxiliary, please send your name, address, and phone number along with a $10 membership fee to Linda Vinke at 115 3rd Street, Manning, IA 51455.

Auxiliary donation