Senior Fitness Classes Offered by MRHC Physical Therapists - Manning Regional Healthcare Center Skip to content

Senior Fitness Classes Offered by MRHC Physical Therapists

Looking to improve mobility & strength, learn simple exercises, and reduce your fall risk? MRHC Physical Therapists, Taylor Nelson and Lucas Schwery will be leading free fitness classes for seniors 70+ beginning in August. Classes will occur every Wednesday from August 7th until September 25th from 11-11:30 am at the Manning Senior Center.

“MRHC is working to offer more services for seniors in the community, and we became aware that fitness classes were of interest,” said MRHC Therapy Director, Taylor Nelson, PT, DPT. “Our goals with this fitness program are to keep people as mobile as possible and educate and empower older individuals to do simple things to maintain their strength and independence as they age. We lose strength as we get older, leading to other difficulties, one being falls. Exercising regularly has been proven to reduce this risk, and our goal is to help people by showing them ways to exercise safely.”

As a Vestibular Rehabilitation Specialist, Nelson specializes in orthopedic-type conditions, implementing a multifaceted approach, including hands-on and exercise-based treatments to help patients achieve their therapy goals. Since starting at MRHC in 2021, Nelson has been dedicated to providing high-quality, evidence-based care.

In addition to Nelson, Physical Therapist Lucas Schwery, DPT, can address a variety of impairments including musculoskeletal, neurological, cardiovascular, balance, gait, and post-surgical impairments and injuries.

The MRHC therapy department is continually expanding and enhancing treatment options and services. Physical therapy hours are Monday-Thursday 7-7, and Friday 8-5. Occupational and speech therapy appointments are scheduled on an as-needed basis.

For more information about the senior fitness classes, please contact the MRHC Therapy Department at (712) 655-8298.