Providing Outstanding Care
We have several general and specialized surgeons providing outstanding care through both inpatient and outpatient procedures. Specifically, we are equipped to provide procedures in general surgery, gynecology, orthopedics, urology, podiatry, ENT, and pain clinic services.
Surgical Information
Have you been told that you need to have surgery? You are not alone. Millions of people have surgery each year. Most surgeries are not emergencies. You have time to learn as much as possible about the surgery, think it over, and review your options. There are questions that you will want to ask to help you make an informed decision, and your surgeon can help. Talk with your surgeon about your condition and the procedure that is recommended. Do not hesitate to ask questions, your surgeon should welcome it. If you do not understand something, ask the surgeon to explain it a different way.
Questions to consider asking before deciding on a procedure:
- What surgery is recommended?
- Why do I need this done?
- Can another treatment be tried instead of surgery?
- What if I don’t have the surgery?
- How will the surgery affect my health and lifestyle?
- Are there any activities that I won’t be able to do after the surgery?
- How long will it take to recover?
- Where will the surgery be done?
- What kind of anesthesia will be used?
- Is there anything else I should know about this surgery?
Getting answers to these questions will allow you to be better informed and ensure you are making the best decision for you or your loved one.
Before a Procedure
Before having any kind of surgical procedure, you will have to sign a consent. This is why it is important to know the facts about your procedure before surgery. When you sign the consent, you are stating that you have had all your questions answered, you understand what is going to be done and why, and that you have been explained the risks and benefits of the surgery. You can safely do this if you have taken the time to ask important questions and feel confident that this procedure is right for you. The surgeon will take the time to explain this to you in detail but be sure you understand what is being explained.
Once you have decided to have a surgical procedure and all your questions have been answered by your surgeon, you will need to visit with a perioperative nurse. Any of our surgical nurses can give you the information you need to prepare for your upcoming procedure. Instructions will be written down for you and explained. It is important to follow these instructions to ensure adequate preparation for surgery.
Once a surgical procedure is scheduled you will be instructed to make an appointment to see your family physician for a preoperative history and physical. This needs to be done within seven days before your procedure. Not every procedure requires this, so we will help determine if one is necessary for your specific procedure.
The Day of Surgery
- Gather and bring a list of any allergies that you have as well as any medication that you take, including over the counter medications such as vitamins.
- Arrive at MRHC at the time given to you by the surgical staff.
- Report to Admissions to check in.
- You will be directed where to go to prepare for your procedure.
- When it is time for your procedure you will be taken to the appropriate room.
- You may or may not go the recovery room after surgery, this depends on what you are having done.
- You will be discharged according to how you feel and what procedure you have had.
- You may need a driver to drop you off and take you home.
Anesthesia care is an important part of your surgical experience. It is necessary to know about your options. Here are some questions and answers that you may want to know:
Yes. There are three main categories of anesthesia: local, regional, and general. Each has many forms and uses.
- In local anesthesia, the anesthetic drug is usually injected into the tissue to numb just that area requiring surgery, for example the hand or foot.
- In regional anesthesia, there is an injection near a cluster of nerves to numb that area of your body that requires surgery. You may remain awake, or you may be given a sedative. You do not see or feel the surgery actually take place. There are several kinds of regional anesthesia. One of the most frequently used is spinal anesthesia. This is produced by an injection in your back made with great exactness in the appropriate area. This is preferred for several surgical procedures.
- With general anesthesia, you are unconscious and have no awareness or other sensations. There are several general anesthetic drugs. Some are gases administered through a mask and some are given through tubing that goes into a vein. With this type of anesthesia, you are closely monitored, controlled, and treated. A breathing tube may be inserted through your mouth and frequently into the windpipe to maintain proper breathing during this time. At the end of your surgery, you will regain awareness in the recovery room.
All operations and all anesthesia have some risks, and they are dependent upon many factors including the type of surgery and the medical condition of the patient. Fortunately, adverse events are very rare. Your Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) takes precautions to prevent any problems, just as you do when driving a car or crossing the street. You should ask your CRNA about any risks associated with your anesthesia.
Every procedure is different and each one can have different instructions, anesthesia and requirements. Be sure to ask if you have any questions. If you have questions you can call 712-655-8220, you can leave a message if no one is available or you can email with questions to
Your health is important to us and we want to do whatever we can to ensure your safety and satisfaction. Please let us know how we can help.